Time to Market Advantage for SiC Devices

Reliability Proven MOSFET & Diode Process Design Kits

Innovation and Manufacturing for Silicon Carbide Devices

Award Winning Silicon Carbide Wafer Fabrication

Shaping the UK’s National Semiconductor Strategy

Clas-SiC Senior Management Team Structure

Dedicated Silicon Carbide Wafer foundry combining process integration, innovation and manufacturing capabilities for SiC Devices. 

Supporting customers through prototyping, low to medium rate production, accelerated R&D cycle times and sub-contract process services. 


Clas-SiC enables customers to make the leap from lab to fab to low/medium production volumes through fast development and prototyping of new SiC devices.


Time to market advantage. Clas-SiC’s toolset is fully capable of processing 150mm SiC wafers through JBS/MPS diode and MOSFET flows.


We are always looking for ambitious and forward thinking individuals to contribute to our highly skilled, passionate and motivated team of experts.

SiC Devices, Silicon Carbide Foundry, Sub-contract Services, MOSFET, JBS/MPS Diode

SiC Devices, Silicon Carbide Foundry, Sub-contract Services, MOSFET, JBS/MPS Diode

Supporting Customer Innovation through Prototyping and Accelerated R&D cycle times

From concept to prototype to manufacture.